Tires replaced

One of the recommendations by the garage when I bought the car was to replace the tires. They looked very good still, but because of age and a cold winter (compared to south USA circumstances) the tires cannot be trusted anymore.

So, on 27 February I had my tires replaced. It seemed the ones on the car were from 1994! So 26 years old. Wow! As it is reommended to replace your tires after wear or anyway after 10 years.

Looking in the history of the car, a service was given to the car on 24 October 1994 with a mileage of 60.238, so only 10.000 miles have passed under those old tires by the time I bought the car. Now, with a mileage of 72611, the tires have safely been replaced.

The car is ready for the new season...